Tuesday, 20 December 2011

An Award and An Apology

First an apology - I've been quite ill for over two weeks and had little energy to devote to my new blog so I've been MIA. I've also been dumped by most of my followers. How soberingly sad for me, but I will plod on, I'm determined to get back into it and fulfill my quest to be frugal and cash only in 2012.

Next, I'm delighted, thrilled and honoured to receive the Leibster Blog award from the lovely Claire at The Little Pom. Her blog is FILLED with great recipes, treats and fantastic tips on saving, cooking and living. I'm so pleased to be noticed by her. Please take a swing over to her blog and have a gander - you won't regret it.

The award is for up and coming bloggers with less than 200 followers. It has a few requirements:

Copy and paste the award on your blog (Check!)
Thank the giver and link back to them (Check!)
Reveal your top 5 picks and let them know by leaving a comment on their blog
Hope that your Follower will spread the love to other blogs

Choosing has been crazy difficult, but I think I've chosen well. I hope you agree.  If anyone chooses not to accept, I, like Claire from The Little Pom, will not be offended. Instead, I hope your'e honoured as I am.
Okay, here are my choices in no particular order:

Sue, at Smiffy's Blog.  I love this charming blog. She's cute and has great observations about life. She's a terrific writer and the blog is somewhere you can spend an hour reading and searching. Definitely worth a  look.

Mum over at Mum's SImply LIving Blog is another great blog to pore over. She has recipes, thoughts, crafts, and loads of interesting posts to read. The photo with the cats in her bookshelf is worth a trip over! Love Mum!

Jen at A Thrifty Mum. She's also writes as Mum in the Madhouse. She's way famous! Her crafty blog is divine. I've stolen a few ideas off her blog already. If you can, go have a look, she's go great ideas.

Never To Old To Learn From Your Mistakes. I love this blog. She chronicles her everyday life and it's fascinating. Go have a look.

Miss Piggy Bank. I love this blog s well. She has great insights into living frugally and has a great style about her. Again, definitley worth a trip over there.

I could have easily chosen many other blogs and perhaps I will add a few, break the rules and shake it up a bit! But for now, I hope you'll take a look at these bloggers and I hope they are as thrilled as I was to receive the award.


  1. Nice to see you back,,,
    never would have classed my life as fascinating so thanks..i would class it as catastrophy lol

  2. Hey hun, thanks for my award it was very kind of you to think of me. I hope you are now on the road to recovery....and if anyone has un-followed you then it's their loss my sweet x x

  3. Thank you for the award, I really appreicate it. I am really enjoying my new blog and making new friends

  4. Thank you so much for my Liebster award. I have posted it today. Hope you are feeling better now xx

  5. Hey I found your blog today thanks to Miss Piggy Bank - Merry Christmas - I am now following you so look forward to reading your blog in 2012.


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